Below is a sample of courses and activities held for companies and organizations. Please contact us, if you would like to hear more about what we can do for you. Courses and activities are held in English or Danish.

Courses on Danish work culture

Danish Workplace culture

Get a better understanding of how Danish companies work. And how to get the right start, when you start working in Denmark. The course will discuss a number of aspects of Danish work place culture and combine it with concrete exercises.

The aim of the course is to:

  • Explain the Danish cultural aspects that are important to understand when you are a part of a Danish work place – or when you wish to understand how things are going on inside the company walls.
  • To give you tools to communicate with Danish colleagues and managers in order to develop good relationships and perform your best.

Content of the course:

  • How do you deal with the division of work and private life, with your Danish colleagues
  • How do you balance between being dominant and ”invisible” in a Danish organization that values soft values but also performance
  • The Danish low hierachy and what it means
  • The informal relationship you often have to your boss
  • How Danish management is often more about abstract principles than concrete orders
  • Your first day of work
  • How to deal with meetings
Volunteering across Cultures

As a volunteer you often work with people from many different countries and cultures. This can make the work fun and effective, but it can also create both confusing and frustrating cultural meetings.

At this course, Jens Frahm-Rasmussen from Work & Life Denmark will present the differences often occurring when Danes and other nationalities work together, and tools to analyze and understand them. During the course, there will be a high degree of dialogue with participants.

Networking in Denmark

Networking can be extremely helpful when you would like to be aquainted with a company or and industry where you are looking for a job. It can give you information on job opportunities, recommendations and information on how to approach a company – plus it’s fun at the same time! At this course you will be introduced to ”the Danish way” of networking and get inspiration on how to build your own network.

Courses on Communication – the Danish way

Communication with Danish Companies

Target group: job seeking, high-skilled expats in Denmark

How to be better at contacting Danish companies or organizations, whether it is through email, telephone or at job interviews

In this course, you will work directly on how you can approach Danish work places. The course teaches you Danish cultural aspects to be aware of, and shows how you can use this knowledge when you write emails, call up on the phone, or go to a meeting or a job interview. The aim is to get your message across the best way, avoid cultural blunders – and get you into a dialogue with potential employers.

The courses is a mix of understanding how communication is different in Denmark compared to most other countries, and working on your own communication in your job seeking process.


  • Culture and communication
  • The Danish companies and their background
  • Written communication with companies – emails
  • Oral communication with companies – telephone
  • Personal meeting/the job interview in a Danish company
Communication and Relationship-building with the small business in Denmark.

A course for a public organization that facilitates international entrepreneurs in setting up businesses in Denmark

This course shows you how to improve your communication and build a relationship with Danish business people, with special emphasis on meeting small Danish businesses. By using cultural concepts, practical examples and participants’ involvement, the course aims to give you an understanding of how Danes interact in business relations, why they do it that way, and how you can cope as an international. In other words: how do you get into “the circle of trust”, and communicate efficiently, especially in the situation where you meet a company for the first time.

Kommunikation med danske virksomheder (DANISH)

Kursus for højtuddannede udlændinge, afholdt for organisation i København, Aarhus og Esbjerg

Formål: 1. at vise hvilke danske kulturelle aspekter, der er vigtige at forstå, når man kommunikerer med danske virksomheder, og 2. at give redskaber til at skrive effektive mails, ringe eller mødes fysisk med danske virksomheder.

Modulet diskuterede en række egenskaber ved dansk kultur, og mere specifikt: dansk virksomhedskultur, og kombinerede det med konkrete værktøjer og øvelser for den gode kommunikation. Emner, der berørtes, var bl.a.:

  • Kontekst-begrebet og hvordan man kommunikerer direkte, f.eks. i emails
  • Hvordan bygger du tillid op i din relation med danske virksomheder
  • Hvordan håndterer du det første, personlige møde i en virksomhed
  • Den neutrale eller afdæmpede måde at være på i Danmark
  • Hvordan håndterer man balancen mellem ikke at være alt for personlig, men heller ikke alt for kold – med andre ord: hvad deler man med virksomheden, og hvad er “privat”?
 Intern kommunikation i danske virksomheder (DANISH)

Kursus for højtuddannede udlændinge, afholdt for organisation

Målet med modulet er, at kursisterne skal have forståelse af en række centrale egenskaber ved dansk kultur, der har indflydelse på den relation, man har med sine danske kolleger og chefer. Og med den forståelse, samt praktiske øvelser, være i stand til at opbygge en god relation i en virksomhed eller organisation.

  • Den danske lighedstankegang i organisationer og hvad, det betyder
  • Hvordan man både undgår at være for dominerende og for usynlig i en dansk organisation, der både værdsætter “bløde værdier” men også “performance”.
  • Den uformelle relation, man ofte har til chefen
  • Hvordan dansk ledelse ofte handler om at følge mere generelle principper og uddelege ansvar, end at give konkrete ordrer.
  • Hvordan man håndterer den skarpe adskillelse af arbejde og privatliv med de danske kolleger

Social activities

Besides courses and workshops, Work & Life Denmark also creates custom-designed social activities. This can help participants getting new knowledge about different parts of Danish society and how to take advantage of the possibilities, build relations to other participants – and simply have a good time!

Wine Tasting & Dinner

Held for international and Danish researchers at a research institution, with a combination of participants’ fee and fee from the institution.

Description: Build your network in Denmark while enjoying a wonderful evening with wine and food in a Danish home. The Wine Tasting & Dinner takes place in a private, city-renovated apartment in the bohemian district of Vesterbro. We will start with an appetizer (wine) and then taste a range of wine from both the new and old world. This will be an opportunity to learn about wines for both beginners and more experienced – but the main point is to have a nice evening with an emphasis on meeting new people. Along with the wines there will be a sausage- and cheese-style dinner with salads, dessert and more.

A private dinner in a Danish home

Held for international and Danish researchers at a research institution, with a combination of participants’ fee and fee from the institution.

Description: Participate in a dinner in a private Danish home. Learn about the Danish traditions connected to inviting guests, while spending a nice evening with both international and Danish colleagues. The dinner takes place in a private, city-renovated apartment in the bohemian district of Vesterbro. We will start with an appetizer and then enjoy a three-course dinner with good wine. During the dinner you will meet different people and be able to discuss the Danish traditions of inviting people home: how do you contribute, how do you help create “hygge” etc.

Sightseeing & Smørrebrød

Held for international and Danish researchers at a research institution, with a combination of participants’ fee and fee from the institution.

Description: Meet other international and Danish researchers while discovering Vesterbro and the Danish art of making Smørrebrød. At this event you will explore the modern area of Vesterbro with an emphasis on modern city life and inspiration on “out-of-the-common places” to go for a coffee, a movie, a dinner or a cocktail. The sightseeing will last for about 1,5 hours. After that we will come to a private home for lunch. At the lunch, Jens Frahm-Rasmussen from Work & Life Denmark will introduce smørrebrød and some of his favorites, followed by a build-it-yourself workshop with a good opportunity to socialize with the other participants. 

Other social events Work & Life Denmark have held are:

  • Sightseeing in the historical Copenhagen
  • Sightseeing in Vesterbro
  • Sightseeing in Malmø
  • The Kolonihave Way of Life – and BBQ
  • Socializing with the Danes – and seeing Vesterbro (or Nørrebro) by night

Please also see our list of past open events or Aktiviteter (dansk).