Work & Life Denmark offers a range of activities for working expats, expats without work and for their workplaces:

Expats working in Denmark

Helping develop the expat’s career in the Danish/International company and creating more quality time outside work

Courses and presentations. General courses on Denmark and the Danish workplace.Network meeting in Southern Zealand

One-to-one help. Themes may include:

  • Coaching on work and/or cultural related issues. Specific areas of expertise: Danish, Latin American, North American, West and Central European, Arabic and Indian cultures
  • Copenhagen expat environment. Where to go and what to do, according to your specific interests (specialization: young professionals between app. 30 and 45 years old)
  • Integration with Danes. Joining sport clubs or other associations, meeting Danes
  • General room/appartment/house-hunt. Specialization with rentals and “andelsboliger”, including helping evaluation and purchase of an “andelsbolig”

Social activities. Social activities and excursions for expats or both expats and Danes (such as wine tastings etc.).

Other relocation services. Work & Life Denmarks works with a range of quality partners to offer a one-stop-shop for relocation services. Therefore, expats can use Work & Life Denmark for the entire relocation process, including:

  • Work permit and similar official matters
  • Moving, finding a house, finding a day-care or school for children etc.
  • Finding a job for a spouse/partner
  • Learning Danish

Wine tasting- ServicesExpats who do not have a job (yet)

Introducing the Danish labor market and work culture as well as creating quality time outside work.

The same services as for expats working in Denmark, but during courses there will be a more general workplace introduction, not based on participants’ jobs, but on business culture and contacting businesses for job seeking purposes in general.

Workplaces in Denmark

Other consultancy work for companies and expats, drawing on Jens’ experience with cultural differences at the work place, foreigners in Denmark, or process consultation. 

Tailor-made courses and presentations. If your workplace or group would like a tailor-made course or presentation for a group of expats and/or their Danish colleagues, please contact us for further information.

Jens ved flip over spørgende 2

Setting up activities. As a HR consultant you do not always have time to arrange social excursions for the company’s employees. I can help you facilitate social events, wine tastings, sight-seeing or the like.

Please use the drop-down menu on top to see our programs, activities and more.






Explore Copenhagen and Denmark with a private guide who not only knows the sights, but also has a deep understanding of the culture, the history and contemporary society. Read more here.